Gregory Unger is in love with twilight. The crepuscular moments that are not quite dark or light. This is the perfect time to capture his characters entangled in conflict and surrounded by the props and symbols of histories and mythologies, real or imagined. The tales he tells include a possible bright future or a likely dark ending, but always the chance for joy and serenity.
Living as a perennial expat, with a Canadian passport, Gregory has recently moved to Costa Rica after living in fourteen other countries – sometimes as an educator and more often as a starving sculptor. Exchanging stone and steel for a laptop and Photoshop, he now uses only his own photographs to create his digital collages.
Living as a perennial expat, with a Canadian passport, Gregory has recently moved to Costa Rica after living in fourteen other countries – sometimes as an educator and more often as a starving sculptor. Exchanging stone and steel for a laptop and Photoshop, he now uses only his own photographs to create his digital collages.